Episode 1

Published on:

26th Dec 2022

1 The Founders

The founders of The Colorado Springs Independent reminisce. John Weiss, Kathryn Eastburn, Teri Homick and Richard Skorman chat about events thirty years ago that sparked the launch of what eventually became known as “The Indy.” It was 1992. “Colorado Springs was a crazy place. Amendment 2 had just been passed, denying protection to gay and lesbian people. The community needed a second newspaper to bring out the best. According to John Weiss, “our goal was to tell all sides of the story. We wanted to celebrate the community we lived in.”


Weiss, along with Kathryn Eastburn, developed the business plan and launched the paper. Kathryn served at times as a co-publisher, editor, reporter, and columnist. Teri Homick was the first staff member hired. In this episode Teri honors the contributions of a long list of staffers. Local businessman (and later, city councilor) Richard Skorman provided early support. In this conversation, Skorman credits The Independent for the passage of TOPS (Trails, Open Space and Parks tax), as well as elevating other important issues. John Weiss shares that, “we were able to communicate and challenge. It’s not believable where we’ve evolved to.... It was part NPR, part New York Times, and part Bart Simpson.” The Indy was all about creating dialogue and getting people to think.


This is one of a series of conversations held during the livestreamed “IndyFinity” event held December 16, 2022, to celebrate 30 years of Indy history and preview the future of Sixty35 Media. The Independent, Colorado Springs Business Journal, Southeast Express, and Pikes Peak Bulletin are among the newspapers consolidating under the banner, Sixty35 Media, a new nonprofit digital and print journalism initiative that will do an even better job of shining a light on arts and entertainment, business, government and politics, neighborhoods and other civic affairs in all parts of our community, long into the future. Explore the new Sixty35 Media January 1 at https://www.sixty35media.org. Become a supporting member or make a donation at sixty35membership.org.


View video of IndyFinity on YouTube at https://youtu.be/C_iOmA5oFRw

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About the Podcast

Celebrating 30 years of Indy history, and previewing an exciting future for Sixty35 Media
This series celebrates The Colorado Springs Independent’s 30-year history of service to the Pikes Peak Region, and the transformation taking place in 2023 to Sixty35 Media (same commitment, new packaging). These studio conversations took place on December 16 during a livestreamed event from the Sixty35 Podcast Studio. Passionate and committed staff and community members honored the Indy, the Colorado Springs Business Journal, the Southeast Express, Pikes Peak Bulletin, and more. We thank founders John Weiss and Kathryn Eastburn, and we share details about what we can all look forward to in 2023 from Sixty35 Media.  Learn more at https://sixty35media.org/.
Follow IndyFinity to catch all the conversations held during the December 16 event. Follow Sixty35 Podcast Network to receive all the podcasts produced by Sixty35 Media. Or explore them at http://www.sixty35media.org/podcasts.
Sixty35 Media is a digital-first, Colorado Springs focused news group. We are online, in print, podcasts, and in-person events. The weekly print edition of Sixty35 is mailed to members and subscribers, and is available at no cost in racks throughout the region. News is reported daily at https://sixty35media.org/. Become a member or donor at https://sixty35membership.org/
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David Gardner